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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Obsessed: Motorhome

Seriously I'm obsessed with Motorhome. I think since the first time I kenal apa itu motorhome, I memang dah fall in love and obsessed with it. I remember I was around 7 - 9 years old masatu and my dad bawak kitorang satu family pergi cherating kot and we stayed in a caravan next to a beach. I think I enjoyed staying inside the caravan more than going outside playing at the beach.

I was so impressed by how they could fit everything into a tiny space. But shortly after that I macam ingat-ingat lupa dah pasal motorhome. Biasalah kan budak-budak (especially me) got easily distracted with life. So bila dah besar ni, suddenly I saw macam ramai gila orang yang prefer tiny home and motorhome punya lifestyle. So I macam reconnect with my inner child and got obsessed with it once again.

Kalau buka my YouTube account, majority of the suggested videos are on motorhome and tiny living. Sometime I spent hours to watch people build their motorhome and travel cross countries in their motorhome. Sumpah jealous tengok orang yang got to live, work and travel at the same time. Since I pun dah bekerja secara hybrid, I feel like I can live the motorhome life. Bila kena masuk office, kita park lah dekat-dekat area office kan? Bila work from home, kita boleh travel and kerja dekat Port Dickson ke, Cameron Highlands ke, Batu Feringghi ke kan. Oh what a life it would be.

I'm not sure how the motorhome community is in Malaysia but I think it is growing and I also see a lot of people starting to build their motorhome. I also nampak ada yang provide rental service untuk motorhome but tak sure berapa rate dia. Teringin juga nak merasa and maybe one of these days I will. Just to see if motorhome lifestyle really is my thing. Kadang-kadang realiti ni tak seindah fantasi kan. Dalam otak ya lah rasa macam seronok and what not, cuba hidup dalam motorhome tengok macam mana kan.

Anyway, I teringin nak drive motorhome from Malaysia to Bangkok. Tengok macam mana pergi dia. Anyone else love the idea of motorhome life?

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