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RuPaul's All Stars 5: Episode 3

King Marc

Ooo the drama in All Stars 5! The queens are coming for each other's throat this season and I'm living for it. Though I know it's only a TV show and probably scripted but on screen drama is always a good TV. Last week, Alexis confronted Cracker about what had happened the week before with Ongina. Mayhem, Alexis and India were not buying anything Cracker was selling when she tried to explain what actually happened.

Okay enough with the drama and let's talk about the actual competition. I don't think there was a mini challenge last week but the queens were once again put in teams for their maxi challenge. Last week maxi challenge was create and decorate a 5 stars worthy hotel suites. The teams and themes are:

Blair & Mayhem: 24K Suite

Alexis, India & Jujubee: Glamazone Jungle Suite

Cracker, Shea & Mariah: The Golden Gal's Palace

For this challenge, I agree with RuPaul because I do love the 24k Suite experience but Jujubee did a really good job selling the Glamazone Jungle Suite. As for the mainstage, the category is 3-in-1 looks. This category really evolved from 2-in-1 looks which was inspired by Violet Chachki back in season 7 and now Ru want a 3-in-1 looks? Who knows what is coming in All Stars 10? 10-in-1 looks?

At the mainstage, I don't really have clear favorites because all of the looks are not as great but I did enjoy the presentation from Cracker, Jujubee & Shea. So, the top all star of the week was Jujubee and I'm so happy for her for finally winning her first main challenge after so long. As for the bottom 3 queens, India & Mariah landed in the bottom for the 2nd week in a row and Shea got her bottom 3 appearance for the first time. Which was kinda gaggy, Ru is really trying to pull another Manila this season by putting Shea in the bottom 3 huh? It could have been just bottom 2 between India and Mariah.

Last week's lip-sync assassin was Monet X Change and it was a tough fight and I think either queen would have won the lip-sync. Monet won and the group has chosen Mariah to get the chop. What do think about the result? I personally think Mariah really have something compared to India because I don't really see personality in India.

P/S: Next week's episode will see an improv challenge and I feel like Juju or Cracker would do great in the challenge.

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