Drama Drama Drama! This season of all stars is not done giving us twist and turn and all the shenanigans! I mean I was like how did all these queens filming this? Was it scripted though? Was all these for a good TV? I feel like it but would these queens really would put their reputation on the line for a good TV? I honestly don't know.
Last week the queens played Snatch Game of Love and Snatch Game is my favorite challenge in RPDR but I don't like this take on Snatch Game because I feel like the queens didn't get the chance to be judged fairly. The queens were separated into two groups and it could be an easy win for Alexis if you see the team she was in. Imagine having Alexis, Juju and Shea in a team. Who would've won? and to have Cracker, Blair and India in team, would it be a quality win if any of them won? That's why I feel like the original format of snatch game is better and my pick for the win would have been Juju and Shea.
Now let's talk about the main stage looks. My favorite are Juju's and Alexis's because both really screamed Prom to me and I really love Juju's prom look. I'm okay with Shea being the top all star of the week and to have the gag of the season where if the queens are not in the top, there are in the bottom. Girl everyone could've gone home but another gag of the day was went India took Shea to the side and tole her that Alexis was campaigning to eliminate here few weeks back and Shea was not having any of it and decided to bring it up to the girls which I think was a good thing to do.
My take on this drama is that India was lying because she wanted to stay but I don't know it could be the other way round but someone is definitely lying and to think of it, what Alexis said was also true and she did want to campaign to get rid of Shea, she could've rally all the queens to make sure Shea did go home but the other queens were not aware of this strategy. But then again, it would have been obvious if Alexis did that so that have 3 people voted for Shea while the other remaining queens split their vote between India and Mariah, Shea would've been sent home that week. So I'm not about to become Nancy Drew and go deeper into this drama. I'm here just to enjoy the show. Can we have a minute to talk about how beautiful Miss Vanjie was? Stunning!
Let's see what next week has in store for us.
P/S: Please I want Juju to win this whole thing!