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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

The Year 2024

Assalamualaikum semua,

So before we go further, let's address the elephant in the room. My last entry was back in January 2022. That was like a whole two-year break. What happened? A lot actually, but we will get there okay? But I'm happy to share that I'm looking forward for 2024 and tak sabar nak write more, create more content and share more stories with you guys!

Now before we do anything else, let's say our gratitude for making it into 2024. The year 2022 and 2023 were there lah basically, I mean ada lah yang best in both of those years but girl I was struggling in so many ways. My mental health and my career all kelaut dalam ya during those years. I've been trying my hardest to focus on getting better in 2022 and I did for a while but in 2023 dah nak hujung-hujung tahun tu, I hampir relapsed and almost lost my mind yet again.

But alhamdulillah from all the therapy and counselling sessions I've been to, I managed to recenter my thoughts and refocus on the things yang matter to me and that is why this year I decided to start writing again and create more content as a diversion for me. Penat lah asyik nak fikir masalah je kan?

Honestly, I don't know what it is but I feel like there is nothing more therapeutic for me than writing whatever I feel like saying. Probably because not everyone around me gets what I'm trying to say. So whenever I write something here, I feel lega sebab I can zahirkan apa yang terbuku dalam otak and hati ni. I'm also looking forward to sharing my views on things that matter to me such as movies, makan-makan, fashion, lifestyle, mental health, and so on.

So yeah! Let's cheer to the beginning of a new beginning. I hope 2024 will be my sane year and to anyone who happened to read this, please let me know if you have anything you want to share and maybe we can figure out ways to deal with whatever we're going through.

Okay bye!

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