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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Throwback Thursday: Goodbye 20s

My favorite month is here and of course, after saying that I'll be updating my blog regularly on May 1st but then disappeared yet again for the next 2 months. I really need some time to reprioritize the things I want to do in my life. I've been trying to do that for the past I don't know how many years but I still can't get the right formula. That is why I've spent a decade of my 20s not achieving the things I wanted to achieve.

But I want to see the bright side of things. Perhaps my 20s were the period for me to figure things out. Trying to find out what I really like and what I'm passionate about, now that I know what I want, what I like, and what I'm passionate about, my 30s will be the period where I put everything into fruition. Hopefully, I'll get things done even more in my 30s. Amen!

I've read about how Oprah, Vera Wang, and a few other successful people started late in their life and I'm pretty sure that the same thing might happen to me too. I feel like I'm more mature in my 30s, I get to think with my brains and not just my heart. I feel like now, I couldn't care less about what people been saying, and yes I want to try more new and exciting things.

Plus, I'm going to get my vaccine shot pretty soon and I can't wait for the world to operate as usual. I want to go out exploring other places and meeting new people. I want to see what I've been missing and discover things that I didn't know. I'm going to do all that in my 30s!

Honestly, this sounds like a lot to do but if you know what you want, you'll know what to do! With that said, please pray that everything will turn out well for me and I wish the same for you guys too!

So, that's all from me and please don't forget to wish me on my birthday okay? Lol JK.... or am I?

P/S: Did you guys noticed my fancy new header? Fancy Neon and Lively huh?

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