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Throwback Thursday: My Life at TikTok

Writer's picture: Faiz FaisalFaiz Faisal

Laptop on a desk

Hi guys! So semalam was my last day working with TikTok and I didn't expect to have such a great time working there. Sebab I ni jenis yang tak suka sangat crowded places and knowing that I'm going to work in a team with over 70 people, my anxiety was sky high. I macam penatnya nak kena socialize with people.

Surprisingly, all of them were such a sweetheart and I instantly felt right at home. Especially when you found your tribe kan. Manusia-manusia yang sama wavelength dengan you and just a little eye contact je you dah tau apa yang dorang maksudkan. So kalau dah best sangat kerja kenapa berhenti? Honestly, it wasn't entirely up to me lah. Biasalah tempat kerja mana-mana pun mesti akan ada drama kan.

If you haven't yet noticed, all the good things I've said about working there were my colleagues because they are the best. Workload? Best juga sebab take heavy pun kerja dia unless you bukan yang jenis rajin membaca. The rest? I'll leave that to your imagination.

The one thing yang I memang nak buat sangat when it comes to my career is to lead a team or be at the management level because I'm so tired of how people run things. But everywhere I go, I perasan that if you're the type yang gets things done your way and has a strong opinion about something, people will push you down and silence you. I'm so tired of being told off just because I have different ways of getting things done.

I bukan lah jenis syok sendiri but I do get feedback from people yang pernah kerja bersama I before, their feedback tu membuktikan lagi that I'm actually staying true to my principles. I always believe that everyone is unique and their POV matters. Sebab tu when working in a team, I suka nak kenal the people I'm working with so I know how I can fully utilize their strength to get the work done.

Anyway, I'm writing this down because I really want to cherish all the amazing people I got to meet during my years with TikTok. You know who you are and thank you so much for all the well wishes and kind words you guys gave to me. I wish the same for all of you as well. Hopefully, we'll get to see each other again in the future!

P/S: I miss you guys already!!!!

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