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  • King Marc

Throwback : Legends of The Hidden Temple

Siapa ingat this TV show? OMG dulu berangan kot siap buat track sendiri susun-susun kusyen dekat rumah. I was so excited wacthing this show back then and berharap sangat-sangat dulu benda ni ada dekat Malaysia so I can join.

Paling best is the last round where the finalist kena lari-lari dalam temple ruin sambil cari harta karun. Sambil tu dorang kena avoid the temple guard. But before that all begin, the iconic Olmec will give the finalist the instruction untuk melepasi all the obstacles.

Oh how I wish they would reboot this show! we have enough celebrity reality show.

P/S: How old was you all during this time? I was 7 I think.

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