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ILLUMINAKING : Top 5 Breakup Songs

King Marc

Everyone has gone through a breakup at least once right? Well same goes to me but today we're not going to talk about my breakups (just a little okay) instead I'm going to list down my top 5 breakup songs. Most of the time after a breakup, I'll be in my room reenact the breakup's scene with these songs playing in the background. You know that we have to be that extra right? Though all my life I've been rather extra, but 2018 is the year to be even more extra. Now lets start the countdown with song no 5.

5. Kygo Ft Selena Gomez - It Ain't Me

Mesti you guys tak tahu lagu ni pasal breakup kan? I mean tak semestinya berpisah sebab benci, mungkin ex you mati kemalangan ke, maka berpisah lah korang kan? Or you sakit tenat kena cancer stage 12 ke. But this song is so close to my heart sebab after breakup (which most of my breakups happened because my exes wanted it) I'll be wondering siapa eh yang nak buat perangai macam I always did when we were together, best ke boyfriend baru dia, boleh ke boyfriend baru dia layan perangai dia. Siapa yang nak layan dia kalau dia mengada time demam? It ain't me lah of course, next!

Favorite Line: "I'll take with me the Polaroids and the memories but you know I'm gonna leave behind the worst of us"

4. Lady Gaga - Speechless

Usually masa awal breakup tu perasaan tu macam lagu ni lah. Speechless macam tak percaya everything is over and lepas tu acah-acah tak nak bercinta lagi lah konon sambil mengungkit kisah-kisah sewaktu bercinta yang tak mungkin akan sama kalau bercinta dengan orang lain. And rasa macam kenapa cepat sangat dia gave up on me after all that we've been through. Dah bosan dengan kita terus cari orang lain ke? Haa macam tu lah tapi hakikat nya kita ni, bila orang lain yang elok tegur sikit je terus berangan nak kawin dah kan. Not me obviously! but my friends are.

Favorite line: "He's gonna get you and after he's through, There's gonna be no love left to rye"

3. Lady Antebellum - Need You Now

You all should know that I tak move on easily and quickly. So the first few months walaupun cuba-cuba untuk move on. Mesti ada juga masa yang kita rasa macam 'Hey kau kat mana tu? tengah dating dengan boyfriend baru ke? I need you now'. Tapi semua tu monolog dalaman lah, tak lah I'm that sick to actually send a text like that to my ex (though I almost did). So waktu-waktu teringat memori bercinta tu, lagu macam ni lah yang bermain dilubuk hati (text ex ajak dinner).

Favorite line: "Reaching for the phone cause, I can't fight it any more and I wonder if I ever cross your mind? for me it happens all the time"

2. Roxette - It Must Have Been Love

Lagu ni mosty bermain each time kena tinggal lah. Kita je sorang-sorang diri rasa seronok bercinta dengan dia, padahal dia tak kisah sikit pun. So lepas kena tinggal tu baring lah dalam bilik peluk bantal and berfikir 'It must have been love but it's over now'. Sampai lencun bantal menangis (not me of course). Dan thinking to yourself apa yang kurang nya diri ini sampai ditinggalkan sedemikian rupa? tak berupakah anda? Ha tu cermin kan ada, tapi jangan pula tampal poster Brad Pitt kat cermin! Kau memang berangan.

Favorite Line: "Make-believing we're together that I'm sheltered by your heart. But in and outside I've turned to water like a teardrop in your palm"

1. Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You

This is my ultimate breakup song lah. I will always love you sebab we've been together for 3 years before things went sour (buat hal betul lah). But I'm okay with it, even saya sendiri pernah tolong dia belikan hadiah 1st anniversary dia dengan boyfriend baru dia because I care. So kira nya macam tak apa lah bukan jodoh untuk bercinta, jadi kawan pun okay lah. Walaupun kadang-kadang jumpa tu I did gave some hints kan. But anyway you will always have a special place in my heart sebab I want to keep you there. I'm so pathetic!

Favorite Line: "Bittersweet memories that is all I'm taking with me, So good-bye please don't cry we both know I'm not what you, you need"

P/S: Maaflah lagu-lagu breakup pilihan saya semuanya bertemakan dah breakup tapi masih teringat. Ala-ala lambat nak move on macam tu. Lagu breakup favorite korang apa?

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