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  • Sherry Wise

Rupaul's Drag Race All Stars 3 : The Winner is

Congdragulations to Trixie Mattel for winning the All Stars Crown (we all kinda knew it) and no Bebe is not the mole? whatever! But I was really hopping that Shangela did win the crown because she did much better? any who, Shangie is already an All Stars but I agree that by winning the crown, it's like a validation for her. We all love you Shangela!

As for the eliminated queens, I'm living for Aja's look! Girl Aja really out do herself from season 9 and she is going to slay even more in whatever she's going to do next. I don't have much to say about Trixie winning the title because there's not much to talk about right? and as for the final maxi challenge, it really was an ambitious production and by far the best maxi challenge ever.

Again, Condragulations to Trixie and may she have all the success in the world.

P/S: Can't wait for Season 10 next week! #TeamKameron #TeamCracker

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