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  • Sherry Wise

America's Next Top Model Cycle 24 : Episode 12

Okay now, episode 11 was all about looking back whatever drama that happened along the way this cycle and how far have the top 5 girls come. So let’s skip that and talk about episode 12 where Jeana finally gets the chop! This episode (edits or not) really made me realized how boring and bland Jeana Turner is. I mean why all the girls with potential ended up being a total bitch or lack of personality?

The personality challenge was lit and I want to download that game and create my own avatar as I’m writing this! Plus Jeana, you don’t have to be told about what to do because it’s all about the personality. If you don’t have it, you don’t! I’m so emotional because I was rooting for you in the beginning. Now you’re acting like salty ass bitch and just go home. Okay maybe I don't know you that well or maybe you get all this villain edit just like how Courtney was last cycle but you should have said nice things all the time. I love how Khrystyana reaching out to Jeana and I genuinely think she is a good person.

Okay enough about me being upset so let’s talk about what Tyra’s call out.

  1. Khrystyana

  2. Kyla

  3. Shanice

  4. Rio

  5. Jeana (Eliminated)

Finally I feel like this season the bitches finally got what they deserved! #TeamGoodGirls

(The face with no personality! Bye!)

P/S: Damn the comeback episode is so near to the finale, someone is bout to get hurt!

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