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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

ILLUMINAKING: Know The Writers

ILLUMINAKING has 3 writers and they are Faiz Faisal (me), King Marc (myself) and Sherry Wise (I). Obviously I'll be writing about things that are personal and anything I've experience or basically my diary. King Marc will be writing about anything entertainment and current happenings (supposedly) and Sherry Wise and as wise as her name, she will be writing about anything at all but with wisdom and life advice (I supposed but not so sure). So how did I create or came up with these persona?

Faiz Faisal is actually me and not a persona or whatsoever. So I was created by God obviously and my writings are mostly what I'm doing on daily basis (especially when I did something out of the usual or attending special events and what not). But I also write about current issues whenever I feel like giving my inputs.

King Marc is someone who everyone thinks I really am as a person. Full of himself, cocky, thinks he's all that, Mr Know It All, or anything negative traits that people had associated me with. Because why not bring him to life or at least give him the freedom to talk for himself here right? King Marc will be talking about entertainment, fashion, music, gossips and roasting people because he thinks he is always right (trust me, I have issues with him too). Plus he is the one with the sassy mouth, so get your tea cups ready because he'll be spilling teas left and right! Oh and get ready to play catch because he'll throwing some shades as well.

Sherry Wise is actually everyone's girlfriend (not in a promiscuous way but the sisterly way). She will always have good advice to give and to share with everyone! She is also the person who constantly reminding me to stay positive and always work on my flaws and make it useful. You guys know all too well that Sherry and Marc doesn't get along very well. They are basically the pole opposite of each other. Sherry is a more down to earth and realistic kind of person. She thinks about others first and always trying to make other people feel better about themselves.

So there you are! The 3 writers behind ILLUMINAKING and yes ILLUMINAKING is the brainchild of King Marc but I would say that I'm in charge of it as of now.

P/S: No I'm not crazy it is just that I always count on me, myself and I.

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