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  • King Marc

ILLUMINAKING: 73 Questions With Lady Gaga

Finally, Vogue's 73 questions with Lady Gaga! Look how demure she is! After a decade into her world changing career. Lady Gaga is more of a Lady with a Gaga flare inside. She is so cute here and I love how the interviewer addressed her as Lady.

I also love how she answered all the questions because she looked so classy but casual. From all the questions she answered, I already know what I want! I want to see Lady Gaga as Cleopatra and I want to see her live in Vegas. I want to watch A Star Is Born. I want to go to a bar in New York. I want to do everything she said during the interview.

However, I was hoping she was being interviewed inside her mansion sipping tea or just give us a tour around her crib. Whatever it is, I could never not love this Lady right here!

P/S: I want new music from Mother Monster!

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