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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Week In Review: Best Week Ever!

Last week was the best week ever for me this year most probably because I got my 10 days off and I went to Korea! Yasss! Then after Korea I went straight to my sister's place in Terengganu for her kenduri doa selamat and to be free from work for 10 days was exactly what I needed!

So let's see what really happened last week:

Sunday (22nd September)

Okay this was my second day in Korea and we went to Nami Island and you can read all about my day 2 trip here. It was an exhausting day but exciting at the same time. I can barely walk but I kept on pushing myself because who knows when I'll be back here right?

Monday (23rd September)

This will be our last full day here in Korea. So we went to the remaining places which I'll be updating in the part 3 of my Korean Adventure post in the coming weeks. We went to the Gangnam district and more of a sight-seeing here.and we went to the famous library and also the Namsan tower.

Tuesday (24th September)

We started the day early today because we need to catch the first train to the airport or else we will miss out our flight back to KL. So another 6 hours flight and we're finally back in the haze!

Wednesday (25th September)

Again me and my mom started the day early because our bus was at 10am to Terengganu. Another 5-6 hours bus ride and I'm exhausted as hell and I was hoping to get there quickly so I can sleep.

Thursday (26th September)

When you're in Terengganu, there's no such thing as waking up late. I need my nasi dagang breakfast and I also need to help my sister to clean up her house for the kenduri the next day. Plus there's this mother cow who was looking for her baby and she kept on mooing for the whole day and I felt like I was at the Jurassic Park!

Friday (27th September)

The day of the kenduri and I hate a lot of food. There's this kerabu perut and sumpah sedap! I ate that thing for 4-5 plates. It's very hard to find a good kerabu perut okay so why not?

Saturday (28th September)

I was planning on going out to town but I don't really know what I can do in Kuala Terengganu. I'm not sure if the cinema was open on Saturday so I decided to just stay home and pack my stuff to go back to KL the next day. I love Terengganu actually because the food is cheap and it's not as busy as KL but you can find almost everything there.

P/S: It was a long week but I sure did enjoy my days off!

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