I've never laughed so much while watching drag race this season but last week's episode got me cackling. I think last week's episode was the best episode of S12 so far! I love the maxi challenge and Jaida really giving me life! The episode started with a mini challenge where the girls have to audition for Kitty Girl 2020 cat litter something and I think it was a cute challenge but kinda embarrassing. Jackie won the mini challenge and then Ru revealed the maxi challenge to the girls. It was a Drag Presidential Debate and during the walk through, Ru along with Raven gave some inputs to the girls on what they can do to make it in the maxi challenge and can we have a moment to appreciate that tucking masterpiece on Raven? That kitty is well fed!
During the debate which was moderated by the guest judges, Rachel Bloom and Jeff Goldblum. My favorite was only Jaida and I was laughing my lungs out. She was so quick and funny with her remarks and I can't with her when she diverged the questions thrown at her with that 'Look Over There' one liner. It was genius and I'm living for it! Now, at the runway, the theme was Stripes and Stars and my top 3 looks are:
1) Gigi
2) Jaida
3) Widow
I think this was the first time we've seen a hijab walking on the runway and I was kinda surprised when Jeff asked Jackie about the treatment of Islam towards the LGBTQ community and I felt like it was a sensitive topics to be brought up on national TV and plus, it's not just Islam but all religion do believe that LGBTQ is a sin. But I also feel like what has been broadcasted by the media on how Islam treats LGBTQ community is not the actually teaching of Islam. Islam is actually a very merciful religion and there are ways on how to go about on handling LGBTQ in Islam and violence is not it. I think people in general need to be educate about the right teaching of Islam.
Okay enough about that, Jaida won her 2nd challenge and Jackie and Widow found themselves in the bottom 2. They lip-synced to Firework by Katy Perry and I would say it was one of the emotional lip-sync I've ever seen. Maybe it's the song. Widow was eventually eliminated from the race and now there are 6 girls left. So, we have about 2-3 more weeks before the finale? I really want to see Gigi, Jaida, Crystal and Jackie in the top 4!

Widow is actually a good performer but she got way to deep in her head and you know what happened when you're way to deep.
So what do you guys think about last week's episode?
P/S: Dahlia really is the mascot of S12 huh?