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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Movie Review: The Cursed Land

Hey everyone!

This week, I dived into the world of Thai supernatural horror with "The Cursed Land," and I've got a lot to say.

The Premise

The movie follows Mit, a chief factory engineer, who relocates with his teenage daughter May to an ancient two-story wooden house in Nong Chok, a Muslim-majority suburb of Bangkok. Haunted by guilt over his wife's death, which he blames on his carelessness, Mit struggles with frequent, inexplicable headaches. From day one, the locals make him feel alienated and distrustful, only advising him that he can renovate the house but must not move or discard anything inside it.

The Unfolding Horror

Enter Heem, a Muslim man who lurks suspiciously around the house. Ignoring the locals' warnings, Mit—a thorough skeptic—removes the talismans scattered throughout the house, inadvertently unleashing vengeful djinns and a 200-year-old curse.

The Execution

Now, here's where things get dicey. I'm not a big fan of CGI ghosts, and this movie unfortunately reaffirmed why. The CGI often looked tacky, detracting from the eerie atmosphere the film was trying to create. The pacing was also a major issue for me. It was painfully slow, and the reliance on loud sound effects as scare tactics felt dated and overused.

The Snooze Factor

I'll admit, I watched this movie at 11 PM—prime snooze time for me. But honestly, I don't think my drowsiness was solely due to the late hour. The movie just couldn't keep me engaged, and I found myself dozing off multiple times.

The Silver Lining

One of the more interesting aspects of "The Cursed Land" is its setting in a Muslim community, a part of Thailand we don't often see depicted in films. The characters spoke Malay with a Kelantanese dialect, which makes sense given that most Muslims in Thailand are from the southern region bordering Kelantan. This cultural detail added an intriguing layer to the film.

The Verdict

So, what's my final take? I'd give "The Cursed Land" a 4/10. The plot had potential, but the slow pace and tacky CGI really brought it down for me. If you're a fan of slow-paced movies like "Longlegs," you might enjoy this one more than I did.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for my next movie review!

Until next time,

The Horror Fanatic!


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