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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Throwback Thursday: I Heard A Rumor

I've been called a lot of things throughout my life tapi bila I heard there's a rumor about me trying to kill someone, I was taken aback sekejap because that's probably the worst and also funniest rumor I've heard about myself. Me? Killing? I may look capable of executing tapi percayalah, but I don't have the stomach for it. Even if I do kill someone, they probably deserve it.

Well, this rumor was a long time ago lah. Biasalah kan bila kita berkawan and sampai satu tahap tu kita akan cerita everything to them kan. So when I first heard about this rumor, I already knew who's been telling people about it.

Cerita dia macam ni, this person shall remain anonymous sebab kitorang pun dah berbaik dan melupakan kejadian hitam ni. But, I'm just here to share the craziest rumor people have heard about me, not sure if I had cleared my name to all of those yang ada dengar pasal ni. Because if there are people out there yang still wondering if I really did try to kill someone, the answer is no!

Me and this person memang bestie habis lah so we shared so many things and one of them happened to be about my fascination with real crime documentaries. I remember telling this person about a subtle way to kill someone which I've learned from watching one of the documentaries. Sajalah sembang-sembang random kan, so salah satu cara membunuh yang orang tu buat was she letak serbuk kayu inside her husband punya oat drinks. Lepas few times husband dia minum, husband dia mati sebab ada internal bleeding from the selumbar kayu semua tu. But since kayu kan organic so orang tak dapat nak detect punca internal bleeding tu sampai the wife sendiri yang confessed.

But one day, me and this person bergaduh besar atas sebab-sebab tertentu. So dia pun decided to get back to me by removing my other best friends from me. Thus the rumor about me trying to kill him. Yang peliknya kawan-kawan I yang lain percaya pulak tu. But I know the truth will always win and at that time I biar jelah orang nak cakap I pembunuh ke apa ke. I really don't care because eventually the truth came out and kawan-kawan I yang percaya the rumor pun realized how stupid it was.

That was then lah, now kitorang semua dah besar and dah matang kan. So whenever we got together, cerita ni adalah antara cerita yang kitorang akan reminisce sebab it was funny as hell. Budak-budak betul perangai dulu-dulu kan.

So what's the craziest rumor you have ever heard about yourself?

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