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  • King Marc

Gegar Vaganza 5: Minggu 4

Hi semua! Dah pun masuk minggu ke-4 Gegar Vaganza 5 ni. So sedia maklum, tema minggu ini is berduet bergabung meletop! Konsert dibuka oleh Nasier Wahab dengan Elly Mazlein nyanyi lagu tajuk apa tak sure maybe lagu baru and seperti biasa Nabil and Jihan punya opening memang best (performance wise lah). Bak kata Tok Ram, suara sah-sah kelaut. Okay now jom baca my views on yesterday's concert.

1) Noryn Aziz (Seksis - Anita Sarawak)

As I thought lagu ni memang kena dengan Noryn sebab dia agak jazzy kan and the arrangement lagu ni pun sesuai dengan dia. BUT! a big but, vokal macam shaky sikit or maybe dia memang nak perform macam tu awal-awal. Masuk second half of the song macam okay sikit kot? Plus vokal dua-dua agak powerful so macam masing-masing cuba mempersembahkan ability masing-masing and seems a bit haywire sikit. The juri loves it so I think this week must be another good week for her!

2) Farawahida (Hati ini telah dilukai - Ajai ft Kris Dayanti)

Rasanya pernah cakap kot suara Farawahida ni ada sikit-sikit Dayang tapi versi nipis lagi. So saya rasa suara dia memang sesuai nyanyi lagu irama Malaysia and lagu-lagu rancak. But lagu ni macam tak sesuai sikit untuk dia but she's not a bad singer obviously! This week saya tak berapa nak feel persembahan Farawahida but I'm not the jury and the jury seems to be on the same page with me. Tok Ram too feels like the performance a bit shaky.

3) Forteen (Seluruh Cinta- Siti Nurhaliza ft Chakra Khan)

This is not an easy song to sing plus singing it in a group is really tricky tapi saya rasa one Forteen did justice to this song lah sebab suara dia memang power gila even Haiza pun tak boleh nak tolong this song. Ye lah lagu Tokti kot nyanyi dengan Chakra Khan pula tu. It was an okay performance for me but Ibu seems to like it.

4) Hetty Sarlene (Aku Cinta Aku Rindu - Nurul & Ajai)

Macam sedap Hetty start lagu ni tapi control mungkin kena lebih lagi kot? I'm not what it is tapi persembahan ni macam tak berapa nak best. Vokal ke? Feel lagu ke? Not sure which one tapi something is off so for me I don't see this as one of the best performance of the night. Juri pun cakap she needs to improve and I agree.

5) Maya (Bujang Senang - Wings)

Okay saya rasa saya suka persembahan Maya yesterday and definitely one of my favorite! Vokal okay and paling best is the performance itself! Sumpah tak sangka Maya boleh nyanyi lagu rock macam ni. I seriously rasa teruja and berdebar tengok. Don't know what else to say tapi best! Tok Ram setuju persembahan best and Ibu pun rasa it's the best so far!

6) Shafie (Ada Apa Dengan Cinta - Melly Goeslow ft Eric)

Oh baru perasaan this week macam tak ada yang nyanyi off beat tapi masuk part Shafie terus perasaan yang awal-awal tu macam lari sikit. I mean vokal Shafie ni sedap tapi performance semalam ada something off and but persembahan tu sedikit kelam-kabut and I think the rendention of the song kot? Macam pelik and tak berapa sedap nak dengar maybe because yang original dia sedap gila. So dia nervous lah as what Ibu said. Patut lah off sikit malam tadi.

7) Amelina ( Tak Pernah Hilang- Kaer ft Amylea)

Okay maybe lagu terlalu rendah untuk Amelina kot? Again Kak Long can do better than this I mean last week dia sakit kot tapi perform je. This week macam lemah sikit performance wise and vokal pun a bit weak. The chemistry tak ada and persembahan nampak awkward. Juri pun tak dapat nak feel the performance.

8) Billy Zulkarnain (Hanya Memuji - Shanty ft Marcell)

Susah lah actually untuk group or duo to berduet dengan penyanyi lain and rendention lagu ni sebenarnya okay and sedap didengar but then again something is not right. Feel tak kena? Vokal? persembahan rasa pelik and tak boleh nak enjoy tengok. Tok Ram pun cakap vokal dorang a bit off.

9) Dia Fadila (Tangisan Marhaenis - Hattan ft Dia Fadila)

One of my favorite song kot! Ni lagu sendiri so plus point untuk Dia and I immediately terdengar versi asal and Rahmad actually rosak kan lagu ni. Sebab vokal Dia dah on point cuma lambat sikit masuk part dia kot awal-awal tu? I really thought this could be the duet of the night tapi towards the end tu lebur pula.

10) Zamani (Ghazal Untuk Rabiah - Jamal Abdillah ft M. Nasir)

Starting a bit off but the momentum keeps on rising and getting better! I mean tak boleh sangkal vokal dua-dua orang ni memang best and meremang juga lah tengok persembahan dorang. This is one of my top performance tonight! Teknikal wise ada lah tercicir sikit kan and the juri dah addressed that issue.

Done and overall I feel that the concert semalam macam kurang sikit and please lah sponsor cukup-cukup lah buat benda-benda buat promo macam tu. So lets see below macam biasa kedudukan ikut pemerhatian saya and in bracket kedudukan dari juri and lagu minggu depan dengan tema lagu-lagu zaman 70an - 80an macam tu.

1) Maya (2. Sekadar Dipinggiran - Francesca Peter)

2) Zamani (6. Kenangan Lalu - Flybaits)

3) Shafie (Eliminated)

4) Dia Fadila (3. Menghitung Hari - Salamiah Hassan)

5) Noryn Aziz (1. One Night Only - Dreamgirls)

6) Farawahida (5. Kau Merubah Segalanya - Fauziah Latif)

7) Amelina (8. Pelangi Petang - Sudirman)

8) Forteen (4. Hatiku Luka Lagi - Black Dog Bone)

9) Hetty Sarlene (7. Mawar Putih Untuk Mama - Sharifah Aini)

10) Billy Zulkarnain (9. Antara Anyir Dan Jakarta - Billy Zulkarnain)

(An unexpected elimination. image from Astro Gempak)

P/S: I didn't see that coming like seriously I didn't. I'm shook he did well the past week kot and I placed him third. hmmmm

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