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  • King Marc

Song Of The Week: Move Your Feet - Junior Senior

This week even baru tengah minggu. I'm feeling happy sebab in 2 days me and my besties are flying out from Malaysia! So amik mood lah to move my feet with this song. Lagu ni dah lama rasanya tahun 2002 kot? Not really sure but everytime keluar dekat je rasa nak nangis sikit sebab teringat masa muda kanak-kanak riang. Tak ada masalah langsung nak fikir kecuali nak siapkan kerja sekolah.

So guys, let's put aside all the drama and enjoy this wonderful song of the week! Let's get in the mood for weekend! A productive weekend!

P/S: Lama tak menari terkinja di tempat awam.

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