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  • King Marc

Song Of The Week: Graduation (Friends Forever) - Vitamin C

I remember listening to this song back when I was like 8 or something. I didn't really understand the word but the music is catchy and I feel sad and most probably because of the church choir. Then I listened to the song again when I was in High School and I finally understand the lyrics and I finally know why I felt sad listening to it the first time.

This is the song that keep replaying in my head whenever I'm about to leave or finish something like school, college or work. It says that if we have something to say, we better say it at the moment because we might part ways and never had a chance to say that again. In the early stage of my adulthood, this song really made me feel a certain way like I might be losing my friends and what not but now it struck me. I'm know 100% sure that I will not lose my bestfriends no matter how busy we all get because true friends stick around and you might not see or talk to each other often but when the time comes, you all will be there for each other. I know because I've seen it!

So this song is kinda invalid to me in terms of not having your friends to stick around after all of us go on with our own life. However this song does get me in term of having someone you care about leaving you for good aka died. This fasting month, I've seen some unexpected death of the people I know from afar and those who I've known personally. I feel like death is certain but the suspense behind not knowing when you are going to die is what bothers me because we as human often take things for granted and I don't want to ever be in a position where I didn't say or appreciate the people that I care for enough. I don't them to die without knowing that I love and care for them.

To all my family and friends, just know that I really care for you guys and I hope you feel the same way too. Please forgive all my wrongdoings and also know that I don't hold any grudges or hatred towards any of you. This is to all my readers too. I love you all.

P/S: I don't think I'll ever be ready to die.

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