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  • King Marc

Movie Review: Toy Story 4

Disney and Pixar have this rule of only the original creator of a movie can make a sequel to their original movie. I mean usually people would just let some one's create and direct a sequel to a successful movie as long as they keep the original characters. I really think this rule Disney and Pixar come up with is a very brilliant idea! I mean if the original creator have an idea on how to further elaborate his movie, he should have done it and no wonder Disney's and Pixar's animations took a very long years to have sequels.

Now back to Toy Story 4, I thought Toy Story 3 would be the final but there's something in me that says "are toys going to have the same cycle of life?" like when Andy passes all his toys to Bonnie and when Bonnie all grown up, will she going to pass the toys to someone else too? I really think that was it when I finished watching Toy Story 3 back then and I don't see the need of having Toy Story 4 but I was wrong.

When they first announced Toy Story 4, I was a bit skeptical about how this story is going to be. Then I saw the trailer with all the carnival toys and antiques, I was lost honestly. I think this going to bad and unnecessary sequel to Toy Story 3 because I'm afraid they're going to create another story line which will create a whole other universe about toys and soon we're going to have Toy Story 5, 6, 7, 8 or as many as Fast and Furious would have.

Boy I was wrong! Toy Story 4 is indeed the much needed sequel and a conclusion or should I say a nice ending on the journey of toys. I think this is the spoiler but I'm going to quote Bo when she said to Woody that "Kids misplaced their toys sometimes and the toys got lost". So where do these lost toys go? You have to watch this movie to find out! Is this a tearjerker movie? Oh we're talking about Pixar and which Pixar's movie that didn't make you cry for God sake!

Yes I cried because this is finale of one of my childhood favorites. Can you imagine the first Toy Story was almost 25 years ago? Toy Story is also Disney and Pixar first feature-length movie ever made! To finally be able to live, grow and see the conclusion of Toy Story is a blessing.

After watching this movie, I feel so sad and happy at the same time. I was sad thinking about all the toys that I've lost along the way and happy to know that growing up, they were the one that help me sharpen my imaginations and made me the person I am today. This is definitely a great movie to watch and I know you grown parents are going to be the one enjoying this movie the most! Your kids would never understand the significant this movie to you.

I'll rate this movie 5/5 stars because it deserves it! I'm not toying around!

P/S: Frozen on the other hand

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