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  • King Marc

News Flash: Bye Bye Spiderman

As we all know, Spiderman is leaving the MCU and we can all know say goodbye and thanked Tom Holland for being such a wonderful Spiderman. 

Well I don't know if they're going to make the sequel to Far From Home or make another reboot with a new actor (which I really hope this is not the case) but who knows? 

I really wish these two companies would just grow up and sort this thing out already (not by making Spidey leave the MCU of course) and not be selfish and only think about making money. I mean Disney owns almost every major studios in Hollywood and what does agreeing with the agreements made with Sony previously gonna cost them anyways? Please think about the fans and not about making money for your company only.

Stop changing Spiderman after every 2 - 3 movies. We have come to love Tom Holland in this new Spiderman universe and now this? Please just give us what we deserved okay? 

P/S: Tom Holland is my favourite Spiderman but I prefer the first 3 movies tbh.

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