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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

ILLUMINAKING: Bullying and Never Ending Cycle

I don't know when sebab dah lama tak tengok TV3 but I feel like MHI dah macam rancangan motif viral dekat astro. Baru-baru ni MHI jemput a few Twitter famous untuk talk about their experience jadi cyberbully punya victim. So what happened was the host tanya this one guy about his experience kena body shame and suddenly dia quote tweet the other guy yang juga mangsa body shaming and seated next to him and said that the guy pernah body sahme dia.

I mean okay lah dia nak address the issu face to face and ramai yang rasa benda tu satu benda yang sangat heroic you a victim standing up for himself. Memang nampak macam wow lah but I personally think that it was unprofessional. I mean yes he did what he did and for me you shouldn't bring a gun to a knife fight kan? Kalau dia attack you dekat Twitter and it is only fair for you to react on Twitter. Kalau nak jumpa depan-depan as if you hebat sngat and bukan jenis cakap belakang, settle it backstage lah? Why nak kena on live TV? What is that you're trying to prove of trying to convey here? You mangsa buli and the only way untuk tak kena buli is to be the bigger bully? macam tu? Because that's what I got from your action. Plus you said that you're an advocate untuk mangsa cyberbully or bully in general but what you did is the opposite.

Another thing was dia pun pernah buli orang and he said dia sedar benda tu salah and that's why now dia nak jadi advocate. Plus people point out that dia tak pernah minta maaf publicly pun dengan perempuang yang dia buli tu? Tiba-tiba perempuan tu bawa keluar statement diorang dah settle belakang tabir? Oh yang itu boleh settle belakang tabir pula? I thought if you made the damage publicly, you pun kena ammend things publicly lah? Baru fair kan?

Since both of the guys yang jadi guests untuk MHI tu quite famous so berduyun-duyun lah kawan/fans/followers masing-masing backup. I mean that guy pun salah but here I'm not siding anyone even it seems like I did but I just want to talk about the bully cycle. I mean you dah self-proclaimed yourself to be an anti bullying punya advoate but why didn't you stop your followers from making any statement towards the guy? Malah you pun sama naik dengan followers you, lagi followers you support lagi galak you bagi statement. My only issue here is that orang cakap tak serupa bikin, itu yang buat saya panas. I don't care if you're my best friends or family ke apa. Please walk the talk.

For me personally, the only way to stop the bullies is to kill them with kindness. I mean if you really are an advocate untuk anti bully, please watch how them professionals bagi talk on how to deal with bullies. I mean I was bullied to masa sekolah, not just by my peers but also cikgu. I was called name by someone who I'm not even friend with dalam group chat sekolah. What did I do next? I ignore him and live my best life, yes there are people who believe whatever stories he made up about me and I don't care about because if I were to worry about being judge by you, it means that you are above God and you're not and I won't give you that power.

So brush it off and stop attacking people and make up excuses to justify whatever you're doing. Two wronds don't make a right? Betul ke peribahasa London tu? So yeah I said what I said. I don't agree with whatever he did on live TV.

P/S: There's always a way to deal with negativity!

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