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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Movie Review: Black Widow

Okay honestly rasa bersalah but it is not entirely my fault either. Kerajaan lah tah apa-apa buat kerja sampai lockdown 3-4 kali tapi daily cases makin naik sampai cinema tak boleh operate. With that being said, I had to turn to an illegal site to watch the start of MCU Phase 4 with Black Widow. So for those yang iman dia kuat dan masih belum tengok Black Widow, this is a spoiler warning. Please leave this post immediately!

Okay now let's start. This movie is positioned between the events of civil war and infinity war. Kalau perasan lepas civil war kan Team Cap and Team Ironman macam buat hal masing-masing kan? So masa ni lah Natasha balik kampung kot and try to reconnect with her family or her family yang nak reconnect with her lah macam tu. When I said family, I mean her sister lah Yelena.

So drama happened and whatnot, the family reunited and apparently, Natasha didn't kill Dreykov the first time and now he is still in charge of Red Room and making more Black Widow. Yelena seek help from Natasha to stop Dreykov once and for all. But the thing is, parents Natasha worked with Dreykov, so macam mana kan? Well bak kata Dominic Toretto, family comes first. Natasha and her family pun hapuskan Dreykov and habis cerita.

I think this movie act as a medium to introduce new characters yang akan muncul in future movies within phase 4 or even phase 5. If you noticed the post credit scene, Yelena was approached by Val and kalau korang tengok Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Val dah recruit US Agent and this sparked a rumor or theory that Val might be assembling heroes for the Thunderbolts. Thunderbolts ni ada US Agent, Black Widow (Yelena), Red Hulk, Ghost and a few other people lah and even Taskmaster kot tak silap. Sila google ya.

So if that is the case, we might get another set of avengers movies or series to focus on these characters. But whatever it is, sedih juga lah now that Natasha dah mati kan but who knows she might come back. Sebab dalam movie tu kan ada scene tukar-tukar muka. Entah-entah Natasha dah tukar muka dengan adik dia ke or mak dia ke? Who knows because I did read somewhere that ScarJo punya contract dengan Marvel still ada lagi. If not movie appearance, perhaps series kot?

But whatever it is, I'm excited for the phase 4 to continue. Next will be Shang Chi kan? ke Eternals dulu? Mana-mana lah because I'm looking forward for this new phase!

What do you guys think about Black Widow? You guys like it? I'm giving this movie 4/5 Stars.

P/S: Loki finale was???

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