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  • Writer's pictureFaiz Faisal

Sunday Short: Eternal Embrace

Flowers in the field

Sierra had always been a dreamer. Her friends teased her about it, but she didn't mind. She believed in magic, in the beauty of unexpected moments. So when she met Tristan, a dashing marine, while he was on shore leave in Hawaii, it felt like destiny.

It was a sunny afternoon when their paths first crossed. Sierra was wandering along the beach, the salty breeze playing with her hair, when she saw him. Tristan stood by the water's edge, his uniform crisp and his demeanor relaxed. Their eyes met, and Sierra felt a strange tug at her heart, a sense of familiarity she couldn't quite place.

"Hi," Tristan said, his smile warm and inviting. "I'm Tristan."

"Sierra," she replied, her own smile widening. As they talked, she couldn't shake the feeling that she knew him from somewhere, that his voice and his laughter reminded her of someone dear.

They spent their days exploring the lush landscapes of Hawaii, swimming in the clear blue waters, and sharing secrets under the starlit skies. Every moment with Tristan felt magical. They laughed until their sides hurt, talked until the early hours of the morning, and held each other close, savoring every second. Their love story was like something out of a fairy tale, filled with passion and an unspoken promise of forever.

But as the days turned into weeks, a gnawing doubt began to grow in Sierra's mind. Sometimes, in the quiet moments, she would catch herself thinking of Liam, her boyfriend from back home. Liam, with his easy smile and kind eyes, had been her rock. They had shared dreams and made plans for the future. But that future was shattered in a single, tragic moment.

Sierra and Liam had been in a car accident. She remembered the screech of tires, the blinding pain, and then darkness. When she woke up, Liam was gone, and she was left fighting for her life in a hospital bed. The days blurred together in a haze of grief and pain, until one night, she slipped into a deep coma.

It was in this coma that she found Tristan. Her mind, desperate to hold onto love, had conjured him from the fragments of a movie she and Liam had watched together. In her dreams, Tristan was real, and their love was an escape from the harsh reality she was avoiding.

As Sierra lay in the hospital, her body battled the injuries from the accident, but her heart was lost in the dream world she had created. She clung to the memories of Tristan, to the happiness they shared, even as her strength waned.

In her final moments, as her mind drifted between the worlds of dreams and reality, Sierra found herself in a place filled with light and warmth. Standing there, waiting for her, was Liam. His smile was the same as she remembered, full of love and reassurance.

"Sierra," he whispered, holding out his hand.

Tears filled her eyes as she took his hand, feeling a peace she hadn't known since the accident. The familiarity she felt with Tristan suddenly made sense. He was a manifestation of Liam, her mind’s way of keeping their love alive.

Together, they walked into the light, leaving behind the pain and sorrow. Sierra was finally reunited with her true love, and in that eternal embrace, they found the happiness they had been denied in life. Their story, though marked by tragedy, found its perfect ending in the realms beyond, where love never fades and dreams become reality.


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